It is very important to visit the program web pages to clarify 应用程序 pre-requisites
和其他指导方针,在申请之前. 如果TCC目前正在接受申请
for the specific program of interest, the program web pages will include a link to
Applicants will receive an email confirmation after they successfully submitted their
应用程序. 如果他们提交了,但没有收到电子邮件,申请人应该
检查他们的垃圾邮件/垃圾文件夹. 如果他们没有电子邮件,他们应该回去
in and fix the blank fields that prevented them from submitting – which will be highlighted
用红色. 如果他们确实收到了邮件,那么他们就可以开始了. 如果你收到
the email, please do not call and ask us to just double-check everything. 没有必要
If you are having problems with submission, please click the Help button and the 应用程序
供应商的客户服务将帮助您. 如果你有纲领性或澄清性的问题,
please reach out to us at the TCC program specific email address listed on the 应用程序.
提交后可以选择新的申请. 要申请其他课程,
applicants can go to their dashboard by clicking on the home icon on the top right
屏幕的一角. Then click Options -> Apply Again.
If it is a field that cannot be changed after submission, please contact support@开始.com.
学生仍然必须在7月1日截止日期前提交. 请输入“正在进行中”
可在下拉菜单中选择等级类型/收到的等级. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场会
able to check your grade internally to verify the grade received for Physics 115.
We carefully review every 应用程序 and work very hard to ensure equitable scoring
在澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的审查过程中. 所有申请人将以相同的成绩评分
题目,无论他们获得的是数字分数还是字母分数. 当完成
the 应用程序, please enter the grade you received the outside institution. I
如果你的成绩单是A-,那就输入A-. 如果你得到一个3.5、然后进入
3.5. We will translate numerical grades into a letter grade, and each letter grade
Students can access their dashboard and it will reveal if their 应用程序 has been
The earlier students know their acceptance status, the easier it will be to transition
参加全日制教育项目. 请放心,这对澳门威尼斯人在线赌场双方都有利
that we are working as quickly as possible to process all 应用程序s.
今年澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的确改变了澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的评分系统. 初步审查包括看
GPA in pre-requisite courses, and also the number of hours providing direct patient
护理经验. 然后,得分最高的申请人将接受一个专家小组的审查
的同事们. During the last 应用程序 cycle, the majority of top-ranking students
有超过900小时的工作经验. 申请要求可能会略有变化
Student typically must have completed the pre-requisite courses prior to their 应用程序
process, as the grades in these courses are utilized in 应用程序 scoring. 在那里
这条规则有例外吗. 例如,呼吸疗法可能允许一些
在学生参加课程后完成的共同必备条件. 护理课程
may allow students to apply if they are missing a pre-requisite, and the 应用程序
是否会在可用空间的基础上考虑. 超声检查项目也提供
PHYS 115是此规则的例外. 具体请参见项目网页
这取决于一个项目招收新生的频率. 典型的程序应用程序
are open from May 2nd, with a deadline date of July 1 for programs starting in the
秋天. However, Nursing Assistant, EMT, Paramedic, and Nursing programs have different
启动时间,以及不同的应用程序周期. 请参阅节目网页
At this time, TCC does not require students to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or have
Many of our health care partners require students to provide proof of full immunizations
或者滴度免疫,只有极少数例外. 学生必须提供证明文件
of current vaccinations and/or provide proof of immunity through: 2 step TB skin test
(PPD), and annual test thereafter or Quantiferon blood draw; Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria,
Pertussis), HepB (Hepatitis B) - 3 doses and a titer, MMR, Varicella, and annual influenza.
Please know that these are subject to change at the discretion of the health care
Clinical sites are carefully selected based on the educational needs of the student.
It is important to plan ahead for expenses beyond tuition, fees, and books. 健康
Science students usually will pay for a number of supplies, and services related to
clinical onboarding requirements, including such things as background checks, vaccinations/titers,
临床实习,获得安全培训模块等. 不幸的是,
这些费用的大部分在你开始你的课程时支付. 请核对程序
是的,经济援助是可用的,这也需要事先计划. 请访问
TCC的经济援助网页 常见问题 related to scholarships, financial aid, and alternative sources for funding for career
培训通过 员工教育 资助,或 退伍军人事务部.
学费减免通常是在可用空间的基础上允许的. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场不能
offer waivers in the selective admission programs, such as Nursing, Radiologic Science,
International students must request an official international transcript evaluation
through an agency approved for Foreign Educational Credentials Evaluation Services.
Once completed, the student may submit the report to the TCC Credentials Evaluator
through 注册服务 for assessment of transferable credit using the “Request
TCC doesn't differentiate between the AP test scores when reviewing 应用程序s.
In other words, students do not get a grade equivalent, they just receive the credit
成绩是S. 这通常被视为应用程序评分的C级.
Many students attend college to earn a degree that prepares them for a specific field
或由国家和/或其他政府实体监管的职业. 国家和其他
government entities have established standards of practice for the occupations or
professions they have chosen to regulate, and they provide legal permission ( a licensure
or credential) to practice those professions only to individuals who meet those standards.
Before enrolling, students should research that the program will meet the professional
他们将要执业的州的执照要求. 信息通常是
It is very challenging to work and enroll health sciences programs, but it has been
做得成功的是以前的同学. 一个典型的日常安排可能介于
5 a.m.-11:30 p.m., depending on the clinical site availability, modality of the course,