Harvard Kennedy School Names THA-TCC College Housing Assistance Program “Top 25 Innovations 2018年在政府任职”
The Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation has named Tacoma Housing Authority and Tacoma Community College’s College Housing Assistance (章)作为“2018年美国政府25大创新.”
从2014年开始,THA-TCC 章 provides 租金援助 for up to 150 TCC students per year who experience homelessness 或者有严重无家可归风险的人. 这个项目的大多数学生都是家长. The program supports them with 租金援助 for up to three years or until graduation, 先到者为准. 要获得资格,他们必须在 一个学位. The joint program accepts applications each year, and when accepted, students receive on-campus support to ensure they successfully find housing and are on track 拥有大学. The program also extends to TCC students who begin their studies while 在监狱里,还有来学校继续学习的人. 大多数是母亲团聚 带着孩子,往往面临着最严峻的住房挑战. 这种伙伴关系支持 some of the most vulnerable students in our community, and its results have been positive 为了学生和社会.
读 在这里 about how this program supported one of TCC’s students, Robin Ross.
The TCC general student population, in comparison to the student population at other 大学s, is older, more likely to be the first in the family to attend 大学, more likely to be low-income, more likely to be working and more likely to be parents. TCC热烈欢迎这些学生. TCC学位改变了他们的生活 是成人繁荣的一个重要里程碑.
然而,越来越多的TCC学生无家可归. 2014年,TCC进行了调查 学生. At the time, 100 students reported that they were homeless or at risk 无家可归的危险. 无家可归的学生完成学业的可能性要小得多 大学.
“A 大学 can offer wonderful programs and support services, but if students don’t have a place to go home to at night, chances are they won’t be finishing their programs,” TCC负责学生事务的副校长Mary Chikwinya说. “章给学生 who are among the most likely to drop out a way to stay and finish.”
这些数据促使TCC和THA合作. 他们从试点队列开始 47名无家可归的TCC学生,其中76%是家长. THA为他们提供了 租金援助. TCC提供校内支持. TCC和THA随后追踪指标 for the next two years for the cohort and for another 100 homeless students who applied 寻求帮助,但不属于这个群体. 结果非常令人鼓舞:
●留校率和毕业率: 60 % of pilot cohort students graduated or remained enrolled; in comparison only 16 % of the other homeless or near-homeless students remained enrolled in school.
这批学生的平均成绩 3.05 GPA,高于TCC的总GPA 2.97.
章是英国的15项倡议之一 THA的教育计划. This project seeks to spend housing dollars, not just to house people, but also to get two other things done: to help them succeed as “parents, students, wage earners and builders of assets”; and to help public schools and 大学s, like TCC, educate 来自低收入家庭的学生.
These metrics from the initial cohort encouraged THA and TCC to expand the program. 2016年,扩张变得至关重要. 在那一年,大学 威斯康辛希望实验室调查了TCC学生的基本需求. 这是 一项针对社区大学生的全国性调查. 看到的, 大学里饥肠辘辘,无家可归 (Wisconsin HOPE LAB 2017) That study found 27 percent of TCC students reported an experience of homelessness in the 12 months prior to answering the survey; 69 percent reported an experience within that time of serious housing instability, such as eviction 因未付租金.
In response to this data and the alarming picture of what TCC students face, THA and TCC扩大了章. The 章 now pays to house 150 homeless or near homeless TCC students 每年,他们中的大多数都是父母. 更多的研究将继续进行. 首席研究员 Sara Goldrick-Rab of Temple University will conduct a third party evaluation of 章, 由克雷斯基基金会资助.
“这次与 TCC not only houses needy families but does so in a way that helps them get a 大学 degree,” said Michael Mirra, THA Executive Director. “In that way it promotes their lasting success and prosperity, and that of their children. 这也有助于TCC成功完成其重要的教育使命. 这次与 TCC是一个非常好的使用THA住房美元.”
NOTE: The program model presumes that THA’s 租金援助 will allow these TCC 学生要在离校园较近的地方找住处. 这越来越难了 to do in Tacoma’s new rental market, one of the tightest in the nation. 作为回应, THA正在TCC校园附近购买公寓和房产.
Since opening its doors in 1965, TCC has provided a high-quality, affordable education 超过50万人. 为塔科马,吉格港,基半岛提供在线服务 students and the women’s prisons, TCC educates about 13,000 students annually. 许多 TCC的学生是他们家里第一个上大学的人. 58%接受 financial aid, 13 percent have children, and 48 percent work while attending school. 100 percent committed to student success, TCC continually finds innovative ways to 帮助学生. 自2011年推出开放教育资源计划以来, TCC has saved students collectively more than $5 million on textbooks. 指定的 an Achieving the Dream Leader College, TCC provides a model for other schools seeking 吸引学生,提高毕业率. TCC也是入选的67所学院之一 nationally to participate in the Department of Education’s Second Chance Pell pilot program, providing access to education for incarcerated individuals. 被指定为 Military Friendly College®, TCC is proud to serve Pierce County’s military community. In fall 2018, the 大学 will open a food pantry on campus to support students experiencing 食品不安全.
Established in 1940, Tacoma Housing Authority provides high-quality, stable and sustainable 为有需要人士提供住房及支援服务. 它以有益的方式做到这一点 他们繁荣昌盛,帮助澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的社区公平发展. THA开发和管理 房地产并提供出租住房. 与成千上万的私人 landlords, it helps families pay the rent in the private rental market. 它提供了 supportive services to help families succeed as “tenants, parents, students, wage 能够在没有帮助的情况下生活的收入者和资产建设者”. 它寻求做它的 work in ways that help our community be an “attractive place to live, work, attend school, shop and play,” and that help Tacoma be “safe, vibrant, prosperous, attractive 就.” For more information about THA and its work, especially its Education Project, 登陆WWW.tacomahousing.org.